Monday, April 19, 2010

Pretty words beget Pretty Dreams

This is a blog post where I really have nothing to say. I don't really know why people complain so much these days. Sure there is plenty to complain about, the economy, the wars, that volcano in Iceland who's name no one can seem to pronounce correctly over here. It all seems so trivial to me. Like it's not really happening. It is though, and that's what sad. I see it every day, I live in a feaking trailor behind my grandparents in the same pen as the old horse and goat for crying aloud. I live in a small town that's full of very rude people but there is a glimmer of hope. Though all the dirt and sludge this town has, there are people trying to do good. Those people are probably what keep me smiling the most. I want to make a change, I do. I often feel guilty that the path I've chosen isn't one that really helps people very much, you see, my dream is to work in computer animation. Yes, I know people are probably thinking that of course I'm going to say that, I'm Anime Otaku. I'm serious about it though. Even long before I was considered Otaku I was a little girl watching little disney animations. Hayo Miyazakis 'Kiki's Delivery Service' was actually what I was watching when I decided. Mom caught me on camera jumping up and down pointing at the tv screen saying that was what I wanted to be. Ha, she had thought I meant I wanted to be like Kiki, flying around on a broom. While I did jump off the neihbors trampoline with a broom a few times trying to fly, I had already somewhat explained to mom I wanted to make "pretty moving pictures" when I grew up. Of course like just about every kid I went through the phase where I kept wanting to be something else. I wanted to be a Vet, I wanted to be a nurse, I wanted to be an Archeaologist, I wanted to be a mime at one point too, Detective, lawyer, architect, songwriter, surfer, computer programer, and a News caster. In the end it always returned to wanting to make "Pretty moving pictures." I also seriously looked into becoming a Mangaka, but here in america there's not really much market for that job. I did however score a job as a storyboard artist in the 9th grade. Unfortunatly Mom didn't like me taking time out of my studies to work under the table for a public brodcasting station that was over a half hour drive away, so that ended pretty quickly. Where I'm located isn't the best place to really dream of a job in Animation. There was plenty of room for kids who wanted to grow up to be buisness workers or nurses and doctors. Athletes are big in my school, seems like everyone is getting a scholar ship somewhere for their sport. Kids like me? The artistic ones, we don't get much looked at all that much in my town. They look at us and say, "Oh~ cool art work!! I wish I could draw like that!!" and walk off to a meeting with a college board about their high paying scholarship they just recived. I wish I could get a good scholarship just offered to me... This actually happened to me yesterday, not the scholarship, but the other person reciving one.

I'm so proud of her!! *huggles elementry school friend*

Ehem... My mother is getting mad at me lately. She's been hearing about all the offeres other students in my class are receiving and she's not to happy with me being put in the closet. I don't really mind as much because while I'm not simply being offered a scholarship as some of the others are, I'm working hard towards one right now. I'm quite proud of myself actually. The weekend after this comming one, I must make a 5.5 hour drive to the Digital Media Arts College in Boca Raton. I've managed to make it even further along than I thought. You see, Boca Raton was orriginally going to have two 4hr contest sessions of 15 people in each session. Amazingly I managed to get in to the group of 30 after apparently more than 200 people were shot down and they had actually gotten their papers in on time. I was a week late because I hadn't known of the opportunity at the time, it was either my skills or the gods just love me that damn much. I'm thinking it's the latter. Especially now sense I recived a phone call telling me that they've narrowed it down again. Instead of 30 contestants, there are now only 15 left. Most of these people are out of state, so I'm told, yet somehow I'm still on the list. I'm scared out of my wits. 15 people, five scholarships. One of which is the full ride to the school. I need that full ride, badly. Even if I made second place, I wouldn't be able to handle the cost of the school and will not be able to attend. 74k is a lot of money, money which I can't even dream of having right now.
You can see why I'm nervouse.

Hmm... This turned out to be a good post after all... Imagin that....

=^-^= Nya! did you think I was going to let you go so soon?
*gnaws on paintbrush* (I need to get to work...)
My camera really sucks...
this is one of my first paintings I've ever done, it's not even relaly compleated (the guys face isn't compleated), but it's one I sent in to the Scholarship competition. We were asked to send 5 pictures of different art works we've done, I was a smartass and sent two pictures that had multiple arts in them because I couldn't choose between pictures.

This is another picture I sent in of a few drawings I did...

Keep in mind, when I heard about the competition... I only had an hour to get all the stuff togeather and sent off... mainly because of my own idiot self not checking my E-mails...

I think this is one of the images I sent in as well...
the wolf painting was orriginally supposed to be flowers for a school assignment....
*sweatdrop* my teacher laughed her rear off when I handed this in instead.
I can't get flowers to work for some reason... unless their like cute little ones.. I've done a whole side of a barn in them...
(which is probably why I despise painting them now...)

dosn't matter which way you look at this. turn it to the right or to the left. Someone's there. Shockingly, it came out right on the first try! I carried it around for two weeks after it was done showing people. -__-

Well that's it for this one... 

1 comment:

  1. It is a great thing to know what you love and what you want to do in life! Not many people are as lucky. I have always been a dreamer, imagining pursuing one path after another. Now that I am graduating college in a month I can't be as flighty anymore >.< (That's the theory anyway...)

    I wish I had talent for drawing like you! I have always envied people with that artistic ability. Follow your heart's desire, as long as you are doing something you love you will always be successful. (Yeah, I know that sounds corny. Gomen!)


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